Google breaks with Huawei
what it means for the Chinese technological giant and its users who have restricted access to Android Redacción BBC News Mundo 6 horas Share this update on Facebook Share this update on Messenger Share this update on Twitter Share this update on Email Share Copyright of the GETTY S caption Huawei is a global leader in the sale of communications equipment. Google has dealt a huge blow to the... -
A useful and innovative service that your customers will appreciate!
Mobile charging stations are an effective solution to meet the demand for energy outside the home. Provide your customers with a mobile charging point and stop the lack of battery in your business. GIVE THE JUMP IN YOUR BUSINESS, DISMISS YOUR COMPETITION WHY HAVE A CHARGING STATION AT BUSINESS? There is no denying that today, the Internet and mobile phones are an essential tool for all of us. Any... -
Millennials: the generation that was born with a mobile phone under their arm
The millennial generation or also known as “digital natives” is the one born between 1980 and 2000, that is, they are currently between 17 and 37 years old. They are characterized by using technology from the first years of life and being the first to discover social networks. The millennials were born under economic prosperity but at the age of majority, they found a strong crisis that makes the...
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