Millennials: the generation that was born with a mobile phone under their arm

By leo@compcharge
In May 2, 2019
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The millennial generation or also known as “digital natives” is the one born between 1980 and 2000, that is, they are currently between 17 and 37 years old. They are characterized by using technology from the first years of life and being the first to discover social networks. The millennials were born under economic prosperity but at the age of majority, they found a strong crisis that makes the generation better prepared academically but with a higher rate of unemployment.

As main characteristics we can emphasize the prioritization of happiness before work, often postpone issues such as the independence of the family home or marriage and do not usually spend more than two years in the same company. Millennials are demanding, so we must respond progressing technologically.
Next, we are going to comment some of the keys to be up to date with this generation that has a series of needs not solved at all by society.

Millennials and nomophobia

Nomophophy is a term originating in the United Kingdom that comes from (no mobile phone phobia). It is closely related to this generation and can be defined as the phobia that these people feel to run out of battery or simply not have a smartphone nearby. Anxiety is experienced by not being able to communicate immediately or having the sensation of missing a conversation. Some of the most characteristic symptoms of this “disease” that affects more than half of the population are anxiety, isolation, addiction, dependence or stress.

The majority of teenagers experience that they may feel insecure or have low self-esteem. It is interesting to know that Spain is the first European country with the greatest addiction to mobile phones and that more than half of the population is afraid of losing their smartphone or simply being incommunicado.
We are aware of the great impact that mobile phones have. We just have to stop and think that most of us start the day waking up with them. This represents a growing need every day to provide services related to these terminals.

Solutions to progress with them

In Compcharge we are aware of the importance and place of new technologies on a daily basis and that is why we offer a series of services and products that will make this type of public have their devices without worrying about something so simple and the time as important as running out of battery. We have to take into account that most of us nowadays use our mobile phone not only as a means of communication, but also to take pictures, make payments, like GPS or to listen to music and as we all know, these actions can make a Mobile runs out of battery in less than a day.

Compcharge charging stations can be installed in many types of establishments that we frequent in our day-to-day activities such as bars, restaurants, gyms or even events. Who has not run out of battery at any of these places?
As we know that the answer to the previous question is yes, below we offer solutions that can get us out of a hurry at times when we really need to communicate with someone.

What we offer

To be up to date with a generation as demanding as millennials, we offer a wide range of charging stations that adapt perfectly to the shops mentioned above. In addition, you will not have to worry about practically anything since its installation is of the simplest.

Solutions for all type of business.