Google breaks with Huawei

By leo@compcharge
In May 20, 2019
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what it means for the Chinese technological giant and its users who have restricted access to Android Redacción
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caption Huawei is a global leader in the sale of communications equipment.
Google has dealt a huge blow to the Chinese technological giant Huawei.

This weekend it was learned that the US company will prevent the largest manufacturer of telecommunications equipment in the world from using some updates within the Android operating system.

The new Huawei smartphones will also lose access to some of the most popular Google applications.

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The move comes after the administration of President Donald Trump added Huawei to a list of companies with which US companies can not negotiate unless they have a special license.

In a statement, Google said it was “complying with the order and reviewing the implications.”
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Huawei, for its part, said it will continue to provide security updates and after-sales services to all Huawei and Honor smartphones and tablets already sold or in stock worldwide.

Copyright of the AFP caption Huawei promised to keep phones already sold up to date.
“We will continue to build a safe and sustainable software ecosystem, in order to provide the best experience for all users worldwide,” the company added.

At a press conference, the Chinese government said it “supports the relevant company [Huawei] in defending its legitimate rights in accordance with the law.”

“Big implications”
Ben Wood, of CCS Insight consultancy, said Google’s move would have “big implications for Huawei consumers.”

The company will no longer receive security updates and technical support from Google, and any new device will no longer have applications such as YouTube and Maps.

Copyright of The Google decision creates serious problems for Huawei.
Current users of Huawei smartphones will be able to update their applications, as well as Google Play services. But if Google releases a new version of Android, Huawei will not be able to offer the update on their phones.

Huawei can still use the version of the Android operating system available through an open source license.

And Google is not the only American company that has had to adapt to the decision of the Trump administration, announced on Wednesday.

Intel chip makers Qualcomm and Broadcom have already told their workers they will stop supplying Huawei, Bloomberg reported.

Rosenblatt Securities analyst Ryan Koontz said Huawei could be “seriously paralyzed” if it does not have these “key components of the United States,” although it is believed that the Chinese firm has some reservations.

The CEO of Huawei says the company has been preparing for contingencies like this one.
In fact, in his first comments since the restriction was announced, Huawei CEO Ren Zhengfei told Japanese media on Saturday “We have already been preparing for this.”

Zhengfei said the company, which spends about $ 67 billion on the purchase of components every year, according to the Nikkei business newspaper, will boost the development of its own parts.

Western suspicions
Huawei is facing the growing reaction of Western countries, led by the United States, which say that the use of their products poses possible security risks in 5G mobile networks.

Several countries have expressed concern that China may be using Huawei’s equipment as an espionage tool, accusations that the company has vehemently denied.

Huawei has been working to develop its own applications.